Thursday, August 2, 2012

Justin Bieber gets a beating from 'protective dad' Michael Madsen in new video As Long As You Love Me

Having turned 18 in March, Justin Bieber is keen to show the world he's growing up.

And in the new video to his single As Long As You Love Me, the Canadian singer shows he can act as well and sing and dance.

In the dramatic and cinematic promo, the teen heart-throb ended up battered and bloodied after being beaten up by his on-screen girlfriend's protective father, played by hardman actor Michael Madsen.

The video begins with a long sequence featuring Madsen warning Bieber away from his daughter.

He said: 'Listen kid, my daughter is everything. She needs me as much as I need her, that means some day I have to let her go and when I do she needs to be with a man not a boy, but you are.'

Bieber insists: 'I love her,' as he refuses to back down to Madsen's threats.

He replied: 'Yeah I'm sure you do. I know what type of guy you are. Once upon a time I used to be the same thing, you know what that means? That means one day you'll leave her for somebody else and break her heart and that can't happen.'

Bieber replies: 'You don't know us.'

Issuing one last threat to the singer, Madsen said: 'I don't want to. I don't wanna know you. I want you to get in your car and leave and don't come back 'cause if you do, it's not gonna be good for you...'

When Bieber asks, 'What would you do?', Madsen replies: 'I'd hit the road.'

The video then shows the passionate love affair between Bieber and his girlfriend, with romantic scenes of them kissing, cuddling and lying in bed together.

Bieber plots to whisk her away from her protective father so they can be together, but it isn't long before the Resevoir Dogs actor is hot on their tail.

After catching up with the star-crossed lovers, Madsen dishes out a beating to the singer - that may be pretty shocking for the younger Beliebers.

As his girlfriend helps him up, blood drips from the singer's mouth, before he is swiftly knocked down again.

To his horror, as he lies recoiled on the floor, Madsen drags away his screaming daughter to the car, leaving viewers wondering if the young couple will find a way to be together.

Luckily for Bieber, his real life is a lot less fraught.

The talented teen was seen stepping onto a luxurious private jet yesterday, accompanied by his family.

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