Friday, March 30, 2012

Lilli the six-limbed cow defies the odds to join her pals on Alpine pastures

Being born with two extra legs may not the best start in life for a cow, but Lilii, the six-legged calf, refuses to be cowed into hiding away because of her disability.
The plucky seven-week-old has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that it wouldn't survive.

She has now gone on to become a minor celebrity after Swiss media splashed with images of the calf frolicking across a sunny field.

He told Swiss daily Blick Thursday that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow.

But Knutti says if the calf stays healthy she'll still be allowed to join the others when they head for their Alpine pastures this summer.

Mutations are not as rare as thought and a three-legged cat and two-headed lamb were born in Georgia earlier this year.

In January, a piebald lamb, which has four legs at the front and two hind legs, was born in Velistsikhe, Georgia.

Unlike Lilli, it appears to have at least partial control of every limb on its body.
According to vet Auto Zardiashvili, the mutation may be due to issues at conception.

'Most probably there were twins, but then the embryos were united, and we've got a strange lamb,' Mr Zardiashvili said.

In 2006, a lamb with six legs, four at the front and two at the back, was born on a farm in Belgium.

And in August 2010, a two-legged lamb was born in China.

The lamb was to be killed but it is reported that when the farmer saw the lamb's determination to live, she dropped the idea and kept him as a pet.


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