Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr. King!! (Keep The Dream Alive)

Today marks the 83rd birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – a man who did so much in his lifetime as he fought for the equality of all people.

His rise to greatness started off as a young boy who skipped the 9th and 12th grades and entered Morehouse College at age 15. He was a man who traveled more than 6 million miles, gave over 2,500 speeches, wrote five books and had published countless numbers of articles in newspapers and magazines; a man who, at age 35, was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; a man who simply had a dream and was willing to put his life on the line to see that dream come true.

Now in 2012, with over 730+ U.S. cities’ streets named after him, a nationally recognized holiday, and a national memorial, what has become of this dream that Dr. King spoke of? In 2008, as we saw the election of this nations first African-American president everyone was excited about how much the color lined had finally been crossed. Jay-Z even rapped… “Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk. Martin Luther walked so Barrack Obama could run.”

But, as excited and optimistic as many people were, some may argue that we are still living with racism at our back door! I must say that Barack Obama is one of the most disrespected presidents of all time… From offensive cartoons to public outbursts and other blatant disrespect, one has to refer to Kanye and wonder, ‘Is Racism still alive, but they just keep concealing it? Truthfully, I believe that there will always be ignorant people in the world. There will always be opposition against the greater good, but as long as the voice and actions of the masses are going in the right direction, then the ignorant will have no place.

Now, in a time where we have unlimited opportunities, it is important that we keep the dream alive! Any obstacle that can seemingly get in our way is merely an illusion and self-inflicted. We have no excuses not to make every, and all, of our dreams come true! We must recognize our power and immediately start taking advantage of all of the opportunities that are in our faces everyday! Those who have come before us have paved the way so that we can enjoy a life of freedom and abundance… Let’s show them how much we appreciate them!

Today as we commemorate Dr. King’s birthday, let’s remember the impact that one man had on a nation… Let’s remember the unwavering faith and relentlessness he committed to his cause.

Margaret Meade once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Be that that committed citizen!! Change yourself and you change the world!! Serve your purpose!! Do what you were put here to do!! –Ash’Cash

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