Friday, January 13, 2012

Balotelli takes school toilet break

Mario Balotelli gave students of a college in Manchester a day to remember after turning up unannounced and asking if he could use their toilet.

The eccentric Manchester City striker has entertained English football fans and media alike with his unpredictable behaviour, which has previously included driving into a women's prison, throwing darts at youth team players and reportedly giving a homeless person £1000 after a successful night at a casino.

For his latest trick, Balotelli parked up his Bentley at Xaverian College in Rusholme and went into the canteen to ask students if there was anywhere he could relieve himself.

After using the toilet he spoke with teachers in the staff room and then walked around the college being followed by hordes of excited Manchester City fans before leaving 20 minutes after he had first arrived.

"Xaverian was delighted to receive a surprise visit from Mario, who chatted to some of the students at one of Manchester's most successful colleges," a spokesman for the college said. "We weren't able to enrol him on any courses, but he is welcome back anytime."

A number of understandably thrilled students were quoted in the Manchester Evening News, including Edward Gasson, who was sitting in the canteen when Balotelli turned up.

"Balotelli parked his Bentley outside then came in and was asking where the toilets were, then he went to the teacher's staff room," he said. "After that he was just walking round campus like he owned the place and everyone was following him around.

"I'm a City fan so it was amazing to see him but it was a bit ridiculous for him to come here - you would never expect it to happen."

By ESPNsoccernet staff

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