Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mugabe, the old croc: Zimbabwean dictator celebrates 88th birthday with reptile shaped cake

Party: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe views his birthday cake during the rally at the weekend
Cake fit for a tyrant: Mugabe, 88, takes a look at the huge edible crocodile which was created for his birthday celebrations
Crocodile cake: The dictator admires the cake at his £650,000 party - and marked his birthday with an attack on homosexual rights
'Party': As his people starve, the dictator stuffs cake into his mouth at a lavish bash to mark his 88th birthday attended by20,000 supporters
Birthday rest: Robert Mugabe sits in an arm chair wipes his eye on his birthday. In a rambling speech he attacked Western values


- Huge cake weighed 88kg - 1,000g for every year of Mugabe's life
- Birthday party cost £650,000 in a country where people are left starving

It was a birthday cake fit for a tyrant – a 5ft confectionary crocodile complete with icing and candles.

As many of his poverty-stricken countrymen struggle to eke a living, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, blew out the candles on one of five massive cakes at a £650,000 party for 20,000 supporters.

In addition to the crocodile – representing the 88-year-old president’s tribe, the Gushungo, there was a matching silver version, an 88kg (195lb) cake in the shape of local mountains, another representing Victoria Falls, and a giant ice cream cake.

Crowds from his Zanu-PF political party were treated to concerts, a football competition and beauty parade.

But the lavish bash in the eastern city of Mutare infuriated many Zimbabweans, with the independent Standard newspaper carrying the headline ‘Eating cake while the nation starves’.

The newspaper reported: 'Impoverished North Koreans two weeks ago celebrated the birthday of their late leader Kim Jong-il in style. Nearer home in Mutare we had something similar yesterday when thousands gathered to celebrate President Robert Mugabe’s 88th birthday.

The Standard added: 'Mugabe cut cake and his proteges wined and dined as if tomorrow would never come.'

The government-controlled Zimbabwe Broadcast Corporation reported: 'The celebrations held in Mutare over the weekend saw some of the country’s top confectioners giving it their best to express their appreciation to the national icon, President Robert Mugabe, through wonderfully made cakes.

'While the focus of attention was the man who had turned 88, there was no way one could have missed the five huge cakes that towered over the top table.'

The network added: 'Two of the cakes depicted Comrade Mugabe’s Gushungo totem, the crocodile.

'President Mugabe is seen in the picture blowing out candles on one of the ‘crocodiles’.'

'The third cake was a magnificent creation of the eastern highlands with its abundant mineral resources, the Pungwe River, human settlements as well as flora and fauna.'
ZBC reported that the highlands cake was designed to weigh exactly 88kg, giving Mugabe a full 1kg of pudding for every year of his life.

In a country where many have faced hunger, ZBC reported that the large dessert included scaled-down edible recreations of the Zambezi river, the world-famous Victoria Falls railway bridge and a nearby rainforest.

Around 20,000 members of the tyrant’s ruling Zanu-PF party are believed to have attended the celebrations on Saturday.

The crowds were treated to live music, lavish food, a football competition and beauty pageant during the bash.


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