Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Kris Humphries Brought GROUPIES To His Hotel Room . . . While He Was MARRIED TO KIM K!!!

The Kim Kardashian ATTACK MACHINE is on and POPPIN. received an "anonymous" tip about a girl on Twitter who was bragging about being in a hotel room with Kris Humpries, while he was married to Kim K.

The anonymous source told us that this would be an "exclusive" for us. And that no one in the WORLD is reporting this. Dang, even though we're #TEAM HUMPHRIES# . . . . we're not one to PASS on such a juicy story.

So anyways, the story is that Kris met up with these two girls while partying . . and they went back to his room. It's not clear whether anything POPPED OFF between the three. But the girls got EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to Kim K's personal items.

VERY RECKLESS of you Kris . . .

Oh, and since we're the FIRST place to post this story, we need FULL CREDIT from any media source that picks up this story. If you don't, we will NEVER link to ANY of your reports EVER!!!!


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