Thursday, August 4, 2011


(AllHIpHopNews) Jeez, Waka! I saw the headlines that he had been arrested on weed charges. I thought to myself, "Somebody's news report is really LATE!" Little did I know these reports are not old, but new. Waka Flocka needs to get himself a hype man aka a weed carrier at this point. Anyway, they pinched Waka out there in Atlanta during a "routine" traffic stop. I don't believe in those, by the way. The cops knew it was a high probability that Mr. Flames would be on something. Anyway, the popo found weed on him after smelling it. Dude got off easy with possession of less than 1 ounce of weed and failure to wear a seat belt charges. He never went to jail for it...he just walked.

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