Friday, July 1, 2011

Selena Gomez Freaks Out Meeting Her (Non-Bieber) Celebrity Crush

Teens across the globe would consider Selena Gomez to be the luckiest girl in the world right now: A gorgeous, successful actress and singer, who also happens to date one of the biggest A-listers on the planet, Justin Bieber. But even though millions of females of all ages would love to be in her spot, Selena still has her own celebrity crushes.

Recently under the guise of meeting fans, Gomez's entourage surprised the 18-year-old with an encounter with her own fantasy man: Transformers actor Shia LaBoeuf. Let me repeat that: Selena Gomez, who is dating superstar Justin Bieber, freaked out over meeting Shia LaBoeuf. What would Bieber think?

After realizing who he was during a random backstage TV show encounter, Gomez hightailed it back down the hall, excited and flustered in the same way millions of regular girls would react in such a situation. LaBoeuf went after the apologetic singer and was kind enough to give her a hug, saying (a bit too intensely), "Hey, it's nice to meet you, thanks for being so sweet to me." The whole scene was quite adorable, and Shia played the gracious-but-formal "celebrity meeting a fan" role to a T.

After a photo opp and leaving LaBoeuf to his dressing room, Gomez took a moment to fully geek out and catch her breath, gushing, "Oh my gosh, he's so handsome! I'm so embarrassed!" Not to let her handlers off the hook, she added, laughing, "You guys suck, you used my fans as bait! Now he thinks I'm crazy--tell him I'm sorry."

Selena may be the luckiest girl in the world, but she's still a teen like everyone else. Isn't it nice to know even celebrities can get seriously starstruck?

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